Disclosures:Pal Hand和Zanardo报告没有相关的财务披露。

Italy races to contain COVID-19 outbreak

Disclosures:Pal Hand和Zanardo报告没有相关的财务披露。

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ASOLO, Italy — With 821 confirmed cases ofCOVID-19截至周五,意大利是全球第三次受影响的国家,并在欧洲看到了最多的感染。最多的案件是在伦巴第北部地区和威尼托 - 意大利经济的“发动机”。迄今为止,死亡人数已上涨至21人,大部分高级公民发生在70年以上,拥有预先存在的条件。

On Feb. 22, through a special government ordinance, 10 municipalities in Lombardy and one in Veneto, where clusters of the infection were identified, were put on lockdown. No one is permitted to enter or leave the areas in question, self-isolation is recommended and schools, museums, restaurants and shops are closed, except for grocery stores and pharmacies. Public and private events, including religious ceremonies, are suspended. All citizens have been submitted to COVID-19 testing.



大量相互矛盾的信息,conflicting opinions, fueled by television debates and social media, has been spreading anxiety and confusion among the Italian population. Fearing a quarantine, people have been stockpiling food, emptying grocery stores’ shelves. In usually crowded cities such as Venice and Milan, streets are empty and public transportation, shops, restaurants and cafes are deserted.

“The COVID-19 outbreak已被宣布为推荐了一个公共卫生应对世界卫生组织和遏制战略的国际担忧的紧急情况。然而,在意大利,我在其他地方没有看到过度反应,“Giorgio.佩ù,MD,FESCMIDformer president of the European Society of Virology, said in an interview.

He expressed concern for the social and economic consequences of containment measures.






“First, it might be because we are carrying out more specific virus tests on more people,” he said. “Second, because we have been less efficient than other nations in detecting the first carriers of the infection while they were crossing our borders. Third, it could be a stochastic phenomenon, in that it arrived here by chance.


Pal Ha说,媒体覆盖范围有助于意大利误导和恐惧的蔓延。

“News is blown all out of proportion, with everybody feeling entitled to give ‘expert’ opinions,” he said. “When dealing with information that has an impact on public health, you cannot give the floor to sociologists, political scientists and the ‘man in the street.’



Covid-19的致命性似乎低于SARS或MERS,这也是由冠状病毒引起的。从研究中发布的研究结果新英格兰医学杂志on Friday showed the case fatality rate was 1.4% among more than 1,000 Chinese patients with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19.

佩ùsaid a precise percentage is difficult to calculate because high concentrations of the virus are found in asymptomatic subjects. Thus, the actual number of infected people may be much higher than is known.




“Ace2也是SARS的受体,但Covid-19的结合亲和力越高,这解释了新病毒的较高传播性,”Pal Hab表示。




Hospitals have adopted strict protocols for triage, admission and care of patients with COVID-19, and have intensified protection measures for the safety of personnel.

Giorgio.Zanardo.,MD,head of the ICU at a hospital in Castelfranco Veneto, said the situation is under control there.


他补充说,在威尼托地区死亡 - “比我们每年的受害者少得多,我们每年都会看到。”



The geriatric ward, where the patient stayed, is now closed due to lack of personnel and other hospitals are currently facing the challenges of an emergency that disrupts the normal routine.



“Containing the infection is a key priority. Other countries will experience outbreaks, because viruses know no boundaries. However, irrational fears should also be contained, and we should not forget that we are still very far from the death toll of influenza, which is on average 8,000 people per year in Italy,” Zanardo concluded. –B.Y Michela.阳光镜


关华NEnglJ Med。2020; DOI:10.1056 / NEJMOA2002032


Giorgio.佩ù,MD,FESCMIDprofessor of microbiology and virology and head of the molecular medicine department at Padova University and adjunct professor at Temple University in Philadelphia, can be reached atgiorgio.palu@unipd.it

Giorgio.Zanardo.,MD,head of the ICU at Castelfranco City Hospital, can be reached atgiorgio.zanardo@iov.veneto.it

Disclosures:Pal Hand和Zanardo报告没有相关的财务披露。