

Disclosures:McDonald reports no relevant financial disclosures. Parker reports financial disclosures with SLACK Incorporated, publisher ofWhat I Say: Conversations That Improve thePhysician-Patient Relationship。Slack Incorporated是Healio的姊妹公司。

Communication, comfort help allay fear of cataract surgery



Disclosures:McDonald reports no relevant financial disclosures. Parker reports financial disclosures with SLACK Incorporated, publisher ofWhat I Say: Conversations That Improve thePhysician-Patient Relationship。Slack Incorporated是Healio的姊妹公司。
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The prospect of cataract surgery is a frightening one for many patients, but open lines of communication and patient education can allow ophthalmologists to guide wary patients through the process.

“我总是告诉我的病人,你会疯狂不要害怕,因为这是你的眼睛,这是你的身体,这是你最宝贵的感觉,”杰克S.Parker,医学博士,博士,told Healio/OSN.

帕克(Parker)合着了这本书What ISAY:对话即兴e医师患者关系with Robert H. Osher, MD, performs cataract surgery every week. When a patient comes to the office expressing fear, it can be invalidating to downplay that emotion, Parker said.





“我想说的是,与任何一无所知的患者打交道几乎更容易,因为您可以指导他们的教育。”Marguerite B. McDonald, MD, FACS,said, adding that patients with cataracts often fall into one of two categories: those who have done their own internet research and those who know just about nothing.

“I try to reassure and educate them without overloading them with technical details,” McDonald said. “For most patients, it is best if you guide their education. That means that you suggest which websites they go to or which videos they watch because there is some suboptimal, unvetted information on the internet. I want my patients to watch videos and get information from reliable internet sites. Knowledge — accurate knowledge — is power. When they know what will be happening to them at every stage during their stay at our ambulatory surgery center, and the great chance of success, they are much calmer and happier; they are more confident and cooperative.”

In addition to educating patients with video, McDonald also explains the statistics supporting the high success rate of modern cataract surgery.


“Everybody is different, and you want to treat people like people, but on the other hand, if you know how to explain things accurately and precisely, and you have considered your words before they come tumbling out of your mouth, they are likely to be much more comforting and reassuring,” Parker said.

Performing cataract surgery in the office adds an additional measure of comfort, according to Parker.

“We do in-office surgery for all of our patients requiring cataract extraction, and that has made a huge difference,” Parker said. “The whole process, from start to finish, takes about an hour, and that includes check-in and check-out.”

When patients go to a hospital for their surgery, the procedure “feels like a big deal”; in contrast, in-office surgeries allow patients to be somewhere familiar where they are comfortable, Parker said.

“People get the idea that if they are going to the hospital, they are getting something serious done, but if they are going to the office, it’s probably a more minor procedure,” Parker said.
